I'm a product designer working at the intersection of emerging tech and UX.

I've been designing engaging user experiences for over 10 years, working between games, creative tools, and innovative consumer apps. My specialties are prototyping interactions, VR/AR, and untangling technical complexity.

While technology is always an inspiration, as a designer I'm often the advocate of the human side of the experience. I strive for mindfulness about accessibility and bridging the divide between different user groups. I love working with a collaborative team that strives for a high bar of creative and technical craft.

I'm based in the SF Bay area. I've been fortunate to work with lovely people at Industrial Light & Magic, Oculus, and Amazon. Let's chat!

What is your design process?

Here are some more words about how I approach working on teams.

Where do people get stuck? What details bring joy and understanding? Where is the technology going? What are ideas that have been on the backburner? What are our own biases in being technology builders?
Find the right questions to ask, and the solution will follow.

Make + Communicate + Iterate
User flow? Personas? Prototype? Presentation? Play test? Create a space to think about the problem and create artifacts that facilitate team feedback. When dealing with unknown complexity or new technologies, breaking up the problem scope into manageable chunks gives a framework to track progress.

Is there a simpler way to approach a problem? Can a complex feature be untangled into smaller addressable parts? Do we really need this feature? What is the point of view of the user? The small ways to simplify leads to larger overall improvements and lets the core concepts shine.

Momentum = Speed X Trust
I’ve found this magic on more than one team, where once everyone gets comfortable working together, work can happen very quickly because an idea can be bounced around among team members and improved. User experience is not simply designed, it is a collaboration between everyone working on a project to take action on improvements and innovations. Momentum means making decisions from trying prototypes instead of debating in meetings. Momentum means empowering each other to try out an idea instead of just talking about it. Some teams already have this culture, other teams have to uncover it. I’ve found that the greatest contribution I can make as an individual is for my personal design process to build toward a culture of momentum.